System Requirements

Compatible Kubernetes Versions

This version of the Saagie installer is compatible with Kubernetes versions 1.19.x, 1.21.x, 1.24.x, 1.25.x, 1.26.x, 1.27.x, 1.28.x, 1.29.x, 1.30.x and 1.31.x.

Specifics of the Kubernetes 1.25.x update

The following specifications ONLY apply if you use Saagie on your own installation and want to upgrade your cluster to Kubernetes 1.25.x. It does not apply to a Public Cloud offering.

If you plan to upgrade your cluster to Kubernetes 1.25.x and already have a Saagie installation on it, you must upgrade Saagie to the latest version BEFORE upgrading to Kubernetes 1.25.x. Be careful, Kubernetes v1.25 comes with several removals and major changes that your administrator will be responsible for.

Compatible cgroup Versions

There are two versions of cgroups in Linux: cgroup v1 and cgroup v2. Saagie is compatible with both versions of the Linux cgroup API.

For more information on cgroups, see the Kubernetes documentation.

Domain Name System (DNS) Entry

Your DNS entry will be used only at the end, but you should determine it before starting the installation process using the following pattern: prefix-suffix[.subdomain]

The entire entry must respect DNS norms according to RFC-1034.
Table 1. DNS Entry Components
Component Details Example


Must be up to a maximum of 12 characters, with only letters and numbers. Hyphens and special characters are not supported.

The prefix also corresponds to your installationId.

We strongly recommend that you use your company name or a shortened version of it.



For Saagie to work properly, your DNS entry must contain a suffix.



This is the company domain to which your Saagie platform will be connected.



You can add as many subdomains as required after the component prefix-suffix.


Example 1. URL without subdomain

Example 2. URL with subdomain

Supported Browsers

Use the following web browsers to get the most out of Saagie:

  • Google Chrome (latest stable version)

  • Mozilla Firefox (latest stable version)

  • Microsoft Edge (latest stable version)

The minimum supported screen resolution is 1366x768 pixels. Browser and system settings, such as scaling, zooming, and window size, will affect browser compatibility.

Supported Storage

Storage must be distributed disk storage with a minimum size of 300 GB.

Minimum Machine Requirements

Regardless of your cloud provider, you must meet the following minimum machine requirements:

  • 3 nodes

  • 4 vCPU per node

  • 16 GB RAM per node

  • 300 GB of distributed disk storage

Node Isolation

You must meet this requirement if you choose to isolate the workload of your platforms on dedicated nodes. This question is asked when configuring Saagie.

Do you want to isolate execution nodes? (valid answers: 'true' or 'false') [true]

Node isolation allows you to isolate the execution of the Saagie installation, as well as the execution of each platform. This is done by specializing the cluster nodes with appropriate node labeling. A proper node labeling will allow jobs and apps to run on nodes dedicated to a platform and prevent them to intrude on another platform’s resources.

The accuracy of the The "Monitoring" module icon is a heart with an electrocardiogram in it. Monitoring module in Saagie depends on the isolation mode of your platforms.

If your workload isolation has not been configured, the The "Monitoring" module icon is a heart with an electrocardiogram in it. Monitoring module will not be fully operational, as all your cluster nodes will be displayed for each platform without disassociation, even if no resources are used on those nodes by your platform.

For the best experience, add the correct label to each node to dedicate them to a platform. This must be done before starting configuring your Saagie platforms, when configuring your cluster. More specifically, in the Creating or Configuring Your Cluster part of the page corresponding to your provider.

In isolated mode, you must have at least one common node with the following labels:

io.saagie/installationId: <installationId>
io.saagie/type: common

These labels will allow you to dedicate the common nodes to the Saagie installation and isolate it from the rest of your workload. If you do not have a common node labeled as such, Saagie will not start.

The other nodes must be labeled as follows:

io.saagie/installationId: <installationId>
io.saagie/type: platform
io.saagie/platform-assignable: <platformId>


  • <installationId> must be replaced with your installation ID. It must match the prefix you have determined for your DNS entry.

  • <platformId> must be replaced with the ID of the platform. It is determined during the configuration of your platform. Its value is defined according to the number of platforms and their order, starting from one. You can therefore predict it.
    The order in which the platforms are declared during configuration must match the order of the platform IDs you entered here in the node pool. So remember it for later.

If a node is not labeled, it will not be used in the Saagie context and will not be displayed in the The "Monitoring" module icon is a heart with an electrocardiogram in it. Monitoring module.