App Settings

This topic presents the setting options available for your app. It also includes the Icon for environment variables Environment Variables page.

You can access the app settings from the The "Overview" page icon is a square divided into several other squares. Overview page of the app.

Job settings from the "Overview" page.

It includes the following non-versioned and editable features:

1. Name

Names are mandatory. They can be up to 255 characters long and must be unique within a project.

2. Description

Descriptions are optional and not restricted. However, it is a good practice to add them. Keep them short and to the point.

3. Alerts The "Alerts" icon is a bell.

Alerts are optional and can be set to receive an email when the status of your app changes. They can be sent to multiple email addresses to notify you of the following status changes:

Status Description

circle Starting

The app’s run has been requested and is being executed.

circle Started

The app is up and running.

history Rolling back

The app is rolling back to a requested version.

arrow up Upgrading

The application has been updated and is upgrading.

ambulance Recovering

The app has restarted itself and is doing so.

circle Restarting

The app is restarting.

stop Stopping

The app is stopping.

stop Stopped

The app has stopped running.

fail Failed

The app has crashed.

A failed app can go into an out of memory Out Of Memory (OOM) state, which is an extension of the Failed state. The OOM state can be due to a lack of memory (RAM).

4. Resources Icon for CPU and RAM resources.

CPU and RAM resources are optional, but are recommended. They can be specified for optimal execution.

The consumption of your app can be managed by guaranteed resources, that is, the minimum amount of resource requested, and limited resources, that is, the maximum amount of resource that can be consumed.

When you create your app, CPU and RAM resource management is enabled by default with predefined values. In other words, based on the default values defined at technology level, Saagie automatically assigns resource requests and limits to your app. These values can be adjusted to suit your needs.

Default values are already set by Saagie at the technology level, except for external technologies. These values are mandatory. They also exist at the technology context level, where they can override the values defined at the technology level. You can configure them when you create your app, or by modifying the Resources Icon for CPU and RAM resources. setting of the app.

If the resource capacity is not defined, the defaults that are defined at the technology level will be assigned at the technology context level.

Automatic adjustments can be made to avoid inconsistent configurations. If you try to set a guaranteed value that is greater than the limit value, a note appears to inform you that the guaranteed value has been adjusted. If you try to set a limit value smaller than the guaranteed value, a note appears to inform you that the limit value has been adjusted (a).

RAM limit adjustment message.

In addition, if the guaranteed value and the limit value are not optimal, a message is displayed with the appropriate values for an optimal configuration (b).

CPU recommendation message.
When you change the CPU and RAM resources, your app is automatically restarted.