Monitoring Technologies

Counting Technologies

You can use the GraphQL API to check the number of jobs and apps existing per platform or project.

Use the following URL, replacing <saagie_host> with your Saagie URL and <platform_id> with the platform identifier of the platform you want to retrieve information from.

For more information on GraphQL, refer to the GraphQL documentation.

Using cURL Commands

You must authenticate to request a GraphQL API. Once authenticated, you can retrieve information on jobs and apps for a single platform. Using the GraphQL response data, you can get the total count of jobs and apps for a platform.

  1. Retrieve a Bearer connection token via cURL by running the following command line:

          curl \
            -s \
            -X POST \
            -H "Content-Type:application/json" \
            -H 'Saagie-Realm: '<realm> \ (1)
             --data '{"login":"<user>", "password":"<pwd>"}' \ (2) (3)
            https://<saagie_host>/authentication/api/open/authenticate \ (4)


    1 <realm> is the prefix that was determined during Saagie installation.
    2 <user> is your Saagie username.
    3 <pwd> is your Saagie password.
    4 <saagie_host> is your Saagie URL.
  2. Retrieve the count of jobs and apps per project by running the following command line:

    curl \
        -H 'Accept: application/json' \
        -H "Authorization: Bearer <token_saagie_api>" \ (1)
        --request POST \
        --header "Content-Type:application/json" \
        --data '{"query":"{\n  projects {\n    jobsCount\n  }\n}\n","variables":null}' \ (4)
        https://<saagie_host>/api/v1/projects/platform/<platform_id>/graphql (2) (3)


    1 <token_saagie_api> is your Saagie realm.
    2 <saagie_host> is your Saagie URL.
    3 <platform_id> is the platform identifier of the platform you want to retrieve information.
    4 The sum of the field jobsCount reveals the total count per platform.
      "data": {
        "projects": [
            "id": "cea7be12-462f-4000-b8bb-666c1eb63d95",
            "name": "test port",
            "jobsCount": 6
            "id": "17236c69-88f9-4124-bf2f-6e90aef48640",
            "name": "test-reporter",
            "jobsCount": 0
            "id": "f3062b55-4802-40d1-a957-d3ae8331ad2b",
            "name": "test ux",
            "jobsCount": 1
            "id": "154008e6-2f68-4046-80e8-949edf8157f0",
            "name": "test b",
            "jobsCount": 2
  3. Using the data from the previous GraphQL response, retrieve the total count of jobs and apps on a platform with the following jq command line:

    Do not forget to replace the variables with your values.
          curl \
            -s \
            -X POST \
            -H "Content-Type:application/json" \
            -H 'Saagie-Realm: '$REALM \
             --data '{"login":"'$user'", "password":"'$pwd'"}' \
            https://$SAAGIE_HOST/authentication/api/open/authenticate \
    responseGraphql=$( \
        curl \
          -s \
          -H 'Accept: application/json' \
          -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN_SAAGIE_API" \
          -H "Content-Type:application/json" \
          -X POST \
          --data '{"query":"{\n  projects {\n    jobsCount\n  }\n}\n","variables":null}' \
          https://$SAAGIE_HOST/api/v1/projects/platform/$PLATFORM_SAAGIE/graphql \
    echo $responseGraphql | jq -n '[inputs | .data.projects[].jobsCount] | reduce .[] as $num (0; .+$num)'