Managing Storage Spaces

Use these tutorials to create, modify, duplicate, and move your storage spaces.

Creating Storage Spaces

You can create a storage space and allocate it to an app to keep data in a defined volume path.

  1. Click The "Projects" module icon is a folder. Projects from the primary navigation menu.
    By default, the The "All Projects" page icon is a folder and the same as the "Projects" module. All Projects page opens with the list of existing projects.

  2. Click a project in the list to open it.
    By default, the The "Jobs" page icon is a 3D pyramid of three squares. Jobs page opens with the list of existing jobs.

    Navigate to your project
  3. Click datamart Storage from the secondary navigation menu to open the library of the project’s storage spaces.

  4. Click Create storage to create a new storage space.
    A panel opens that you can edit.

    You can also create new storage spaces on the fly when you upgrade your app.
  5. Enter the required information.

  6. Click Save to confirm the creation.
    The created storage space appears in the list on your project The "Storage" page icon is a database. Storage page.
    A storage space linked to an app will also be listed on your app The "Storage" page icon is a database. Storage page. Only the storage spaces linked to the selected app are displayed on this page.

Deleting a Storage Space

  1. Click the kebab menu The kebab menu icon is three vertical dots.  delete Delete at the end of the corresponding storage space row.
    A confirmation message appears.

  2. Click Delete again to confirm the deletion.
    Be careful, there is no progress bar to cancel the deletion once it is confirmed.

You cannot delete a storage space used by an app or linked to the Current Badge for the "Current" status version of an app.

Modifying Storage Space Settings

You can modify your storage space information, such as the name, description, and size.

  1. Click The "Projects" module icon is a folder. Projects from the primary navigation menu.
    By default, the The "All Projects" page icon is a folder and the same as the "Projects" module. All Projects page opens with the list of existing projects.

  2. Click a project in the list to open it.
    By default, the The "Jobs" page icon is a 3D pyramid of three squares. Jobs page opens with the list of existing jobs.

    Navigate to your project
  3. Click datamart Storage from the secondary navigation menu to open the library of the project’s storage spaces.

    You can also modify the storage spaces linked to an app from the The "Storage" page icon is a database. Storage page of the corresponding app: The "Projects" module icon is a folder. Projects  Your Project  The Apps page icon is a PC screen with a star in the middle. Apps  Your App  datamart Storage.
  4. Click either:

    • The storage space you want to change in the list.

    • edit Edit from the kebab menu ellipsis v at the end of the corresponding storage space row.

    A panel opens that you can edit.

  5. Change the information as needed.

    You can expand the capacity of your storage space, but you cannot reduce it afterwards. The size of your storage space is defined by your administrator when installing Saagie. If you reach your cluster’s storage limit, contact the SRE team to increase the total storage capacity available on your cluster.

    For storage expansion to work, your administrator must have added the allowVolumeExpansion : true option to the storage.yml file created when configuring your cluster(s). For more information, see Creating Storage Classes for Your Saagie Platform for EKS, AKS, GKE, and other service platforms.

  6. Click Save to save your changes.
    You will see a message saying that your storage space has been successfully upgraded. If you have changed the size of a storage space linked to an app, this may cause the app to restart automatically to take your changes into account. If an error occurred, your app will keep running.

Duplicating Storage Spaces

You can duplicate your storage spaces from the datamart Storage page of your project or app. The duplicated storage space will include a complete copy of the original storage space with its contents.

  1. Click The "Projects" module icon is a folder. Projects from the primary navigation menu.
    By default, the The "All Projects" page icon is a folder and the same as the "Projects" module. All Projects page opens with the list of existing projects.

  2. Click a project in the list to open it.
    By default, the The "Jobs" page icon is a 3D pyramid of three squares. Jobs page opens with the list of existing jobs.

    Navigate to your project
  3. Click datamart Storage from the secondary navigation menu to open the library of the project’s storage spaces.

    You can also duplicate the storage spaces linked to an app from the The "Storage" page icon is a database. Storage page of the corresponding app: The "Projects" module icon is a folder. Projects  Your Project  The Apps page icon is a PC screen with a star in the middle. Apps  Your App  datamart Storage.
  4. Click the kebab menu The kebab menu icon is three vertical dots.  clone copy Duplicate at the end of the relevant storage space row.

    • You cannot select multiple storage spaces at the same time and duplicate them.

    • You cannot duplicate a storage space linked to a running app. Stop the app and try again.

    • You cannot act on a storage space that is being duplicated. Wait for the end of the process to resume management of your storage space.

    • If the duplication fails, the duplicated storage space is still created but with a Failed status. This copy is not viable and can be deleted.

    You are returned to the project or app datamart Storage page with a message saying that your storage space has been successfully duplicated.

    The name of your duplicated storage space will be <original storage space name> (ID starting by X). Where X is an incremental number by 1.

    For example, you duplicate the storage space Albany Branch Sales. The name of the duplicated storage space will be Albany Branch Sales (1). If you duplicate the storage space Albany Branch Sales a second time, the name of this second duplicated storage space will be Albany Branch Sales (2), and so on. If the duplicated storage space name exceeds the 255-character limit, we truncate the last 13 characters. The incremental number is kept.

You can unlink a storage space from an app.

  1. Click The "Projects" module icon is a folder. Projects from the primary navigation menu.
    By default, the The "All Projects" page icon is a folder and the same as the "Projects" module. All Projects page opens with the list of existing projects.

  2. Click a project in the list to open it.
    By default, the The "Jobs" page icon is a 3D pyramid of three squares. Jobs page opens with the list of existing jobs.

    Navigate to your project
  3. Click datamart Storage from the secondary navigation menu to open the library of the project’s storage spaces.

    You can also unlink an app’s storage space from its The "Storage" page icon is a database. Storage page: The "Projects" module icon is a folder. Projects  Your Project  The Apps page icon is a PC screen with a star in the middle. Apps  Your App  datamart Storage.
  4. Click the kebab menu The kebab menu icon is three vertical dots.  unlink Unlink at the end of the relevant storage space row.

    You cannot unlink a storage space attached to a version of an app that is in use and displays the Current Badge for the "Current" status status.

    A pop-up window opens.

  5. Click Unlink to confirm disassociation.
    You will see a message saying that your storage space has been successfully unlinked from your app.

Moving a Storage Space to Another Project

You can move a storage space from one project to another and on a different platform from the datamart Storage page of your project.

  • This is not a duplication. When moving a storage space to another project, it disappears from the source project.

  • You cannot select multiple storage spaces at the same time and move them.

  • If the storage space name already exist in the target project, it is renamed with an increment in brackets.

  1. Click The "Projects" module icon is a folder. Projects from the primary navigation menu.
    By default, the The "All Projects" page icon is a folder and the same as the "Projects" module. All Projects page opens with the list of existing projects.

  2. Click a project in the list to open it.
    By default, the The "Jobs" page icon is a 3D pyramid of three squares. Jobs page opens with the list of existing jobs.

    Navigate to your project
  3. Click datamart Storage from the secondary navigation menu to open the library of the project’s storage spaces.

  4. Click the kebab menu The kebab menu icon is three vertical dots.  project move Move to… at the end of the relevant storage space row.

    • You cannot act on a storage space that is being moved. Wait for the end of the process to resume management of your storage space.

    • You cannot move a storage space linked to an app. Unlink it from the app. Then, try again.

    • If the move fails, the source storage space is kept in the project. A copy of the storage space is made in the target project but with a Failed status. This copy is not viable and can be deleted.

    A pop-up window opens.

  5. Select the target platform and target project from the list.

  6. Click Move to confirm the move.
    You will see a message saying that your storage space has been successfully moved. You can click Go to target project below the success message to be redirected to the library of the project’s storage spaces.

    If you click Go to target project, you may need to manually refresh the page to remove the progress banner. You can click refresh Updated a few second ago in the top right-hand corner of to refresh the page.

    storage migration in progress bar