September 2024

Here are the highlights of new and updated features for this release:

  1. Product Updates (2024.04)
    The 2024.04 version of the Saagie product has been released with the following features:

    • The API path for managing technologies has been changed.

    • External technologies has been removed from Saagie Official catalog.

    • User identities and access to Object Storage and PostgreSQL are now manageable via OVH admin interface.

    • Saagie now supports Kubernetes 1.29.x.

  2. User Experience Improvements
    We have made some changes to the Saagie interface to improve your experience.

    • The Intercom chatbot is being replaced by a dedicated Saagie Helper.

    • Spark jobs can no longer be scheduled under one hour.

  3. Saagie Technology Repository Updates
    New technologies have been added and others deprecated.

Product Updates (2024.04)

A new API path to manage technologies

The current API path /gateway/api to manage technologies has been changed to /technology/api.
Although deprecated the former path /gateway/api still works, it will be removed in upcoming releases.

For more information, see Saagie GraphQL API.

External technologies have been removed

We have removed the "External Job" functionality from the product. This change is part of our effort to streamline the system and improve overall performance and maintainability.

Improvements: Optimized internal processes for better performance and system stability. Reduced system complexity by removing outdated components.

OVH customers can manage S3 & PostGreSQL users from admin interface

On OVH-managed platforms, you can manage user identities and access to Object Storage and PostgreSQL database through the OVH admin interface.

Kubernetes 1.29.x Support

This new version of the Saagie installer is now also compatible with Kubernetes versions 1.29.x.

For more information on supported versions of Kubernetes, see the Compatible Kubernetes Versions.

User Experience Improvements

The new Saagie Helper replace the Intercom chatbot.

The access to Saagie Helper has been enhanced for a better user experience.

To access it, you can now click saagie widget in the bottom right corner. It will display links to three customer services.

For more information, see About Saagie Resources Monitoring.

Spark jobs can no longer be scheduled under one hour.

To avoid collisions due to concurrent executions of one Spark job, the orchestration cannot be scheduled under one hour.

This behavior is exclusively for Spark jobs and pipelines embedding Spark jobs. A specific information message is displayed within the scheduled run block

job settings spark

For more information, see Job Settings and Pipeline Settings.

Saagie Technology Repository Updates

The following technologies have been added or deprecated in the official Saagie technology repository:

  • Job Technologies

  • App Technologies

Technology New contexts Deprecated contexts

Apache Spark
Badge for JOB


2.x .. 3.1.x

Technology New contexts Deprecated contexts

Saagie Usage Monitoring

For Saagie 2024.04 STABLE

For Saagie 2023.02
For Saagie 2023.03
For Saagie 2023.04
For Saagie 2023.05

Do not forget to synchronize your Saagie repositories to keep them up to date.

July 2024

Here are the highlights of new and updated features for this release:

  1. Product Updates (2024.03)
    The 2024.03 version of the Saagie product has been released with the following features:

    • You can now rerun a previous pipeline instance.

    • GPU resource management on jobs has been added.

    • When you schedule your job or pipeline, a new option allows you to prevent more than one instance of it from running at the same time.

    • Saagie now supports Kubernetes 1.28.x.

  2. User Experience Improvements
    We have made some changes to the Saagie interface to improve your experience.

    • The job execution timeline has been enhanced to show more details.

  3. Saagie Technology Repository Updates
    New technologies have been added and others deprecated.

Product Updates (2024.03)

Rerunning a Pipeline Instance

You can now rerun a previous pipeline instance from the The "Instances" page icon is three overlapping squares. Instances page of your pipeline.

You can choose to rerun an existing pipeline instance with the current environment variable values, or with its initial environment variable values, without any changes.

03 pipeline rerun

For more information, see Rerunning a Pipeline Instance.

Mananging GPU Resources on Jobs

You can now manage the GPU resources of your jobs as smoothly as the CPU and RAM. When configuring your job resources, select the GPU option to activate it.

GPU option selected.
CPU and RAM resource management remain the same.

For more information, see Job Settings.

Preventing the Concurrent Run of Instances on Scheduled Jobs or Pipelines

A new option has been added to prevent instances from running at the same time on a scheduled job or pipeline. To enable it, select the Forbid overlapping scheduled instances option when scheduling your job or pipeline run. This will also prevent the accumulation of inconsistent workloads.

03 scheduled run new option

For more information, see the Scheduled Run settings of a job and pipeline.

Kubernetes 1.28.x Support

This new version of the Saagie installer is now also compatible with Kubernetes versions 1.28.x.

For more information on supported versions of Kubernetes, see the Compatible Kubernetes Versions.

User Experience Improvements

Job Execution Timeline Has Been Improved

The execution timeline of jobs has been improved to display more details on the different types of status it has gone through.

You can now know more precisely what happens while your instance is queued, and understand the first 15 minutes of operations. You can view event details as soon as the queued requested Requested status has started by clicking the info circle info icon in the timeline caption, or click the timeline itself.

03 job execution timeline legend
03 job execution timeline title details

For more information, see the job The "Overview" page icon is a square divided into several other squares. Overview and The "Instances" page icon is three overlapping squares. Instances page.

Saagie Technology Repository Updates

There is no new technology that has been added to the Saagie technology repository for this release.

April 2024

Here are the highlights of new and updated features for this release:

  1. Product Updates (2024.02)
    The 2024.02 version of the Saagie product has been released with the following features:

    • When you push your pipeline using the Saagie CI/CD process, a link to your pipeline’s source code is now added to the pipeline’s graph.

    • You can now manage your pipeline as code from its edit Edit mode.

    • You can now create environment variables at the app level.

    • Saagie now supports Kubernetes 1.26.x and 1.27.x.

    • Saagie is now compatible with the cgroup v2 version of the Linux cgroup API.

    • The upgrade procedure for this new version of Saagie is a bit different.

  2. User Experience Improvements
    We have made some changes to the Saagie interface to improve your experience.

  3. Saagie Technology Repository Updates
    No new technology has been added for this release.

Product Updates (2024.02)

Linking the Source Code of Your Pipeline

When you push a pipeline using the Saagie CI/CD process, a link to the source code is added to the pipeline’s graph, on the The "Overview" page icon is a square divided into several other squares. Overview page.

cicd pipeline source code link

You cannot change this link by hand. Also, if you create a new version of your pipeline via the Saagie platform, the link to the source code is removed as it is no longer relevant. However, the link remains accessible from the corresponding version of your pipeline.

For more information, see Using the CI/CD.

Importing and Exporting Your Pipeline As Code

You can now modify your pipeline via the Code tab. The Code tab has been added to the edit Edit mode of your pipeline. It allows you to view, copy, import, and export your pipeline as code.

02 pipeline as code

The Code tab is linked to the Design tab, which is the visual mode to edit your pipeline, the one you are already familiar with. Changes made in one will be reflected in the other. Synchronization takes place as soon as you switch from one tab to the other.

For more information, see Upgrading Pipelines.

Creating Environment Variables For Apps

In addition to existing environment variables that are set at the global, project, and pipeline levels, you can now create environment variables at the app level.

For more information, see the app Environment Variables Page.

Kubernetes 1.26.x and 1.27.x Support

This new version of the Saagie installer is now also compatible with Kubernetes versions 1.26.x and 1.27.x.

For more information on supported versions of Kubernetes, see the Compatible Kubernetes Versions.

Compatibility With Linux cgroup Versions

Saagie is now compatible with the two versions of cgroups in Linux: cgroup v1 and cgroup v2.

For more information on supported versions of cgroups, see Compatible cgroup Versions.

Upgrading Saagie to Version 2024.02

The procedure for upgrading Saagie to this new version is different from the usual one. It applies only to the upgrade to version 2024.02 of Saagie.

It added some configuration process for Saagie platform on Kubernetes, where PVCs and secrets are labeled with installation IDs.

For more information, see Upgrading Saagie to Version 2024.02.

User Experience Improvements

The Upgrade Button Has Been Removed

The button for upgrading your jobs, apps, and pipelines existed under two different names: Edit and Upgrade app/job/pipeline.

To avoid confusion, we have decided to only keep the edit Edit button. You can find it on the The "Overview" page icon is a square divided into several other squares. Overview page of your app, job, and pipeline.

The Delete Function Has Been Improved

The process to delete projects, jobs, apps, pipelines, and pipeline versions has been improved. Now, to delete any of these items, you must manually enter a confirmation message before you can confirm the deletion. This message is case sensitive. It prevents you from deleting items by mistake.

02 deletion confirmation message

Sorting List of Projects and Pipelines By

We have added the ability to sort the list of projects and pipelines for consistency. This also improves your user experience.

You can now find the Sort by filter in your projects and pipelines library.

02 sort by filter

Knowing Who Started a Job or Pipeline Instance

Except from the The "Overview" page icon is a square divided into several other squares. Overview page of a job or a pipeline, it was not possible to know who has started an instance.

From now on, you can see who has started an instance from the The "Instances" page icon is three overlapping squares. Instances page of your job or pipeline.

If it is a manual run, there will be a Started by mention with the name of the person who did the run.

02 who started instance manual run
Figure 1. Example of a manual run.

If it is a scheduled run, there will be a Started mention with a Scheduled badge.

02 who started instance scheduled run
Figure 2. Example of a scheduled run.

Display of Storage Space Expansion Status Badge

When expanding the size of your storage space, a status badge is now display to indicate that the operation has started. Wait a few minutes and manually refresh the page.

02 storage space expansion status badge

Saagie Technology Repository Updates

There is no new technology that has been added to the Saagie technology repository for this release.

February 2024

Here are the highlights of new and updated features for this release:

  1. Product Updates (2024.01)
    The 2024.01 version of the Saagie product has been released with the following features:

    • You can now move a pipeline from one project to another.

    • The function for duplicating a pipeline has been improved.

    • Pipelines now have an alias in addition to their name, just like jobs.

    • Management of the storage space size has been improved.

    • You can now also duplicate your app storage spaces.

    • When you push your job using a CI/CD process, a link to your job’s source code is now added to your job package.

    • You can now log in to Saagie using a single sign-on (SSO) process.

  2. Saagie Technology Repository Updates
    New technologies have been added.

Product Updates (2024.01)

Moving a Pipeline

You can now move a pipeline from one project to another and on a different platform from the pipeline library or its The "Overview" page icon is a square divided into several other squares. Overview page. Click the kebab menu The kebab menu icon is three vertical dots.  project move Move to… and enter the required information. The moved pipeline keeps its jobs, conditions, pipeline environment variables, versions, instances, logs, alerts, and resource settings.

This avoids you to start from scratch and improves your productivity.

For more information, see Moving a Pipeline to Another Project.

Duplicating a Pipeline

Duplicating pipelines was already possible, but only to make a shallow duplication of it. You can now make a deep duplication of your pipelines.

01 pipeline duplication
Figure 3. From the The "Pipelines" page icon is represented by several connected jobs. Pipeline page or the pipeline The "Overview" page icon is a square divided into several other squares. Overview page, click the kebab menu The kebab menu icon is three vertical dots.  clone copy Duplicate to open this modal window and choose your duplication level.

This avoids you to start from scratch and improves your productivity.

For more information, see Duplicating Pipelines.

Adding an Alias to Your Pipeline

Just like jobs, pipelines now have an alias in addition to their name. A pipeline alias is required and unique to each pipeline in a project.

01 pipeline alias

For more information, see Pipeline Alias.

Expanding an App Storage Space

It was already possible to increase the capacity of your storage space, but we have made some improvements to it.

As an administrator, the configuration for your storage space size has changed. When you will launch the latest Saagie installer, you will have to specify the step and maximum size of the storage space. These values will be displayed on your Saagie platform when creating or editing a storage space.

→ For more information, see Storage Space Size Settings.

As a user, you can manage the size of your storage space with a slider. Its minimum and maximum size is defined by your administrator when configuring the size of the storage spaces.

01 storage size expand

→ For more information, see Modifying Storage Space Settings.

Duplicating an App Storage Space

From the storage space library of your project or app, you can now duplicate a storage space. The duplication includes a complete copy of the original storage space with its contents.

This avoids you to start from scratch and improves your productivity.

For more information, see Duplicating Storage Spaces.

Linking the Source Code of Your Job

When you push a job using the Saagie CI/CD process, a link to the source code is added to the package of the job.

cicd job source code link

You cannot change this link by hand. Also, if you change your job package via the Saagie platform, the link to the source code is removed as it is no longer relevant. However, it remains accessible from the corresponding version of your job.

For more information, see Using the CI/CD.

Authenticating to Saagie Using a Single Sign-On (SSO) Process

As an administrator, you can now configure your Saagie platform(s) so that you can log in using SSO. To do so, you must enable the SSO option when upgrading Saagie. When you will launch the latest Saagie installer, answer SSO at the Authentication Mode prompt when configuring the deployment mode.

→ For more information, see also Enabling Single Sign-On (SSO) Authentication.

As a user, once the SSO system has been set up, you will be able to log in to Saagie with the defined identity provider.

→ For more information, see Connecting to Saagie Using SSO For the First Time.

Saagie Technology Repository Updates

The following technologies have been added in the official Saagie technology repository:

  • App Technologies

Technology New contexts

Apache Superset




MLFlow Server


Do not forget to synchronize your Saagie repositories to keep them up to date.