Changing the Data Lake URL in Saagie

You can configure the URL to access the platform data lake.

This can be done during the installation of the platform. For more information, see Downloading and Configuring Saagie.

  1. Retrieve your configuration status by running the following command lines:

    # Authentication query
    TOKEN = $(curl -X POST -H "Content-Type:application/json" -H "Saagie-Realm:<realm>" https://<saagie_host>/authentication/api/open/authenticate --data '{"login":"<username>", "password":"<password>"}')
    # Query reading Datalake URL setting
    curl -X GET -H "Content-Type:application/json" -H "Saagie-Realm:<realm>" -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" https://<saagie_host>/settings/api/v1/settings/platforms/datalakeUrls


    • <realm> is the prefix that was determined during Saagie installation.

    • <saagie_host> is your Saagie URL.

    • <username> and <password> must be the credentials of an administrator user.

    • <platform_id> is the ID of the platform being configured.