Security Module

This section describes the The "Security" module icon is a shield with a person icon inside. Security module that allows you to manage user accounts and groups, and their access rights.
If you have Lakehouse module enabled of your Saagie instance, you can also manage the different Lakehouse Catalog Access.
It is a cross-platform module, which means that the user accounts and groups related to it is shared between platforms.

  • To have access to this module, you must be a member of the default group platforms_admin. For more information on default groups and their rights, see Saagie Default Groups.

  • As an administrator, you can create user accounts and groups, add members to and remove them from groups, view the groups a member belongs to, reset the password of user accounts, and delete user accounts.
    If Lakehouse module is enabled, you have also the default administrator role on the Trino installation: trino-admin. This role allows you to execute all SQL queries supports by Trino on all catalogs.

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