Managing Groups

Use these tutorials to create and modify your Saagie user groups.

Creating Groups

Create groups to manage your user access rights. Assign roles to the group to give its members the same rights.

  1. Click The "Security" module icon is a shield with a person icon inside. Security from the primary navigation menu.
    By default, the The "Users" page icon is a person icon. Users page opens, listing the existing user accounts.

  2. Click The "Groups" page icon is an icon of three persons. Groups from the secondary navigation menu.
    The The "Groups" page icon is an icon of three persons. Groups page opens, listing the existing groups.

  3. Click Create group to create a new user group.

  4. Enter the requested information noting that:

    • The group name is mandatory, unique, and cannot be changed afterward. If there is a mistake in the group name, an administrator must delete it and create a new one.

    • You can add as many members as you want and all members added to the group will have the same access rights.

    • Global access rights apply to all platforms that the group can access. For more information, see Global Access Rights.

    • Platform access rights allows you to manage access to modules and projects for the specified platform(s). For more information, see Platform Access Rights.

      1. Click Add platform access from the Platform Access tab and select a platform from the list to add access rights to this platform.

      2. Click Add projects from the Projects sub-tab of the Platform Access tab and select a project from the list to add access rights to this project.

    • Only if you have Lakehouse enabled on your Saagie installation : Lakehouse access rights apply to Lakehouse catalogs that the group can access and with which roles. For more information, see Lakehouse Access Rights.

  5. Click Create group to confirm the group creation.
    A message appears saying that your group has been created.

The newly created group appears in the list.

Deleting a Group

  1. Click delete Delete at the end of the corresponding group row.
    A confirmation message appears.

  2. Click Delete again to confirm the deletion.
    A progress bar appears. Wait for the end of the operation to validate the deletion.

    You can also click Cancel the deletion to cancel the deletion of the group.

Managing Group Members

You can still add and remove members to a group after it has been created.

  1. Click The "Security" module icon is a shield with a person icon inside. Security from the primary navigation menu.
    By default, the The "Users" page icon is a person icon. Users page opens, listing the existing user accounts.

  2. Click The "Groups" page icon is an icon of three persons. Groups from the secondary navigation menu.
    The The "Groups" page icon is an icon of three persons. Groups page opens, listing the existing groups.

  3. From the list, click a group to open it and access its details.
    The group settings page opens. By default, it opens on the Members tab.

Add Members

  1. Click The associated icon to the "Add a member" button is a plus sign. Add a member to add one or more members to the group.

  2. Select the members from the list or enter the first letters of their username in the search bar to find them more quickly, then select them.

    If you click wrong, click the cross close next to the username to remove it from your selection.
  3. Click Add to group to add them to the group.
    The member appears in the list.

  4. Click Save group to confirm your changes.

    You can repeat these steps as many times as required.

Remove Members

  1. You can either:

    • Remove one member at a time by clicking the minus sign The icon associated with the delete action is a minus sign. at the end of the row for each member you want to remove.

      There is no confirmation with this option, but if you accidentally delete a member, you can always add them back.
    • Remove multiple members at once by clicking the checkbox at the beginning of the row of all the members you want to remove. Then click Delete in the pop-up window that appears.

  2. Click Save group to confirm your changes.

Modifying Access Rights

You can always change the group access rights after its creation.

  1. Click The "Security" module icon is a shield with a person icon inside. Security from the primary navigation menu.
    By default, the The "Users" page icon is a person icon. Users page opens, listing the existing user accounts.

  2. Click The "Groups" page icon is an icon of three persons. Groups from the secondary navigation menu.
    The The "Groups" page icon is an icon of three persons. Groups page opens, listing the existing groups.

  3. From the list, click a group to open it and access its details.
    The group settings page opens. By default, it opens on the Members tab.

  4. Click the Global Access, Platforms Access and Lakehouse Access tabs to change the group access settings.
    For more information about access rights, see Group Access Rights.

  5. Click Save group to confirm your changes.