How can I see the component logs?

Use the Kubernetes kubectl command line to view logs for Saagie components and pods.

  • View Logs for a Specific Pod

  • View Logs for pods with Multiple Containers

These instructions are for pods with one container.

To view logs for a specific pod, run the following command line, replacing <namespace> and <pod_name> with your values:

kubectl -n <namespace> logs <pod_name>

To view logs for pods with multiple containers, you must add the container name. Run the following command line, replacing <namespace>, <pod_name>, and <container_name> with your values:

kubectl -n <namespace> logs <pod_name> <container_name>

If your pod has multiple containers and you try to view the logs of these pods by following the instructions for viewing the logs of a specific pod, you will receive an error, such as:

error: a container name must be specified for pod saagie-common-auth-123zase12-12343esd2, choose one of: [auth auth-proxy auth-config-observer] or one of the init containers: [create-mongo-user]