Read and Write Tables From Impala With Java/Scala

How to read and write tables from Impala with Java/Scala.

Without a Kerberized Cluster

  1. Install the following Maven dependency:

  2. Initialize the connection to Impala by running the following lines of code:

    private static final String HOST_IMPALA = System.getenv("HOST_IMPALA");
    private static final String PORT_IMPALA = System.getenv("PORT_IMPALA");
    private static final String LOGIN = System.getenv("LOGIN");
    private static final String PASSWORD = System.getenv("PASSWORD");
    private static final String JDBC_DRIVER_NAME = "org.apache.hive.jdbc.HiveDriver";
    // To set the JDBC Impala driver.
    // To connect to Impala.
    impalaConnection = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:hive2://" + HOST_IMPALA + ":" + PORT_IMPALA + "/;ssl=false", LOGIN, PASSWORD);
    // To initialize the statement.
    Statement stmt = con.createStatement();
    The Impala connection URL format must be jdbc:hive2://impalahost:21050/database, where 21050 is the default port.
  3. You can now create Impala tables, and insert and select data in tables by running the following lines of code:

    • Create Tables in Impala

    • Insert Data Into Impala Tables

    • Select Data From Impala Tables

    String sqlStatementInvalidate = "INVALIDATE METADATA";
    String sqlStatementDrop = "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS helloworld";
    String sqlStatementCreate = "CREATE TABLE helloworld (message String) STORED AS PARQUET";
    // To invalidate metadata to update changes.
    // To execute the DROP TABLE query.
    // To execute the CREATE query.
    String sqlStatementInsert = "INSERT INTO helloworld VALUES (\"helloworld\")";
    // To execute the INSERT query.
    String sqlStatementSelect = "SELECT * from helloworld";
    // To execute the SELECT query.
    ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(sqlStatementSelect);
    // To process results.
    while( {;
    // To invalidate metadata to update changes.

With a Kerberized Cluster

  1. Install the following Maven dependencies:

  2. Add the jaas.conf file under src/main/resources by running the following lines of code:

    Main { required client=TRUE;
  3. Initialize your connection by creating a login context function with the following lines of code:

    private static final String JDBC_DRIVER_NAME = "org.apache.hive.jdbc.HiveDriver";
    private static String HADOOP_CONF_DIR = System.getenv("HADOOP_CONF_DIR");
    private static LoginContext kinit(String username, String password) throws LoginException {
        LoginContext lc = new LoginContext(Main.class.getSimpleName(), callbacks -> {
            for (Callback c : callbacks) {
                if (c instanceof NameCallback)
                    ((NameCallback) c).setName(username);
                if (c instanceof PasswordCallback)
                    ((PasswordCallback) c).setPassword(password.toCharArray());
        return lc;
  4. Initialize the connection to Impala by running the following lines of code:

    private static final String HOST_IMPALA = System.getenv("HOST_IMPALA");
    private static final String PORT_IMPALA = System.getenv("PORT_IMPALA");
    private static final String LOGIN = System.getenv("LOGIN");
    private static final String PASSWORD = System.getenv("PASSWORD");
    URL url = Main.class.getClassLoader().getResource("jaas.conf");
    System.setProperty("", url.toExternalForm());
    Configuration conf = new Configuration();
    conf.addResource(new Path("file:///" + HADOOP_CONF_DIR + "/core-site.xml"));
    conf.addResource(new Path("file:///" + HADOOP_CONF_DIR + "/hdfs-site.xml"));
    LoginContext lc = kinit(LOGIN, PASSWORD);
    String kerberosRealm = UserGroupInformation.getLoginUser().getUserName().split("@")[1];
    // Impala
    Connection impalaConnection = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:hive2://" + IMPALA_HOSTNAME + ":" + PORT_IMPALA + "/;principal=impala/" + IMPALA_HOSTNAME + "@" + kerberosRealm);
  5. You can now create Impala tables, and insert and select data in tables by running the following lines of code:

    • Create Impala Tables

    • Insert Data Into Impala Tables

    • Select Data From Impala Tables

    String sqlStatementDrop = "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS impalatest";
    String sqlStatementCreate = "CREATE TABLE impalatest (message String) STORED AS PARQUET";
    Statement stmt =impalaConnection.createStatement();
    // To execute the DROP TABLE query.
    // To execute the CREATE query.
    String sqlStatementInsert = "INSERT INTO helloworld VALUES (\"helloworld\")";
    // To execute the INSERT query.
    String sqlStatementSelect = "SELECT * from helloworld";
    // To execute the SELECT query.
    ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(sqlStatementSelect);
    // To process results.
    while( {;