Read and Write Files From HDFS With R

How to read and write files from HDFS with R using the WebHDFS protocol.

  1. Install the following packages:

    • The httr package is used to execute curl requests in the write function.

    • The getPass package is used to hide passwords typed in RStudio apps.

Read Files From HDFS With R

  1. Define the access parameters to your files as follows:

    # WebHDFS URL
    hdfsUri <- ""
    # Path to the file to read
    fileUri <- "/path/to/myfile.csv"
    # OPEN => Read a file
    readParameter <- "?op=OPEN"
    # Optional parameter in "&name1=value1&name2=value2" format
    optionnalParameters <- ""
    # Concatenate the parameters
    uri <- paste0(hdfsUri, fileUri, readParameter, optionnalParameters)
  2. Download your file with or without Kerberos.

    • Without Kerberos

    • With Kerberos

    data <- read.csv(uri)
    # Method 1 (interactive): Use in RStudio.
    # An interactive pop-up is used to enter the password.
    system('kinit user',input=getPass('Enter your password: '))
    # Method 2 (scripts): Use outside RStudio.
    # The password is written in the command line or stored in an environment variable.
    # Uncomment the following line to use it.
    # system('echo password | kinit user')
    set_config(config(ssl_verifypeer = 0L))
    # Authenticate with Kerberos.
    auth <- authenticate(":","","gssnegotiate")
    # Fetch the file from a specified URL.
    response <- GET(uriSrc, auth)
    # The data is in the content of the response, as text
    data <- read.csv(content(response, 'text'))

Write Files From HDFS With R

  1. Define the access parameters to your files as follows:

    # WebHDFS URL
    hdfsUri <- ""
    # Path to the file to write
    fileUri <- "/path/to/myfile.csv"
    # OPEN => Read a file
    writeParameter <- "?op=CREATE"
    # Optional parameter in "&name1=value1&name2=value2" format
    optionnalParameters <- "&overwrite=true"
    # Concatenate the parameters
    uri <- paste0(hdfsUri, fileUri, writeParameter, optionnalParameters)
  2. Write the temporary file locally.

    write.csv(data, row.names = F, file = "my_local_file.csv")
  3. Upload your file with or without Kerberos.

    • Without Kerberos

    • With Kerberos

    1. Ask the NameNode on which DataNode to write the file:

      # To ask the NameNode on which DataNode to write the file.
      response <- PUT(uri)
      # To get the URL of the DataNode returned by HDFS.
      uriWrite <- response$url
    2. Push the file:

      # To upload the file with a "PUT" request.
      PUT(uriWrite, body = upload_file("my_local_file.csv"))
    1. Ask the NameNode on which DataNode to write the file:

      set_config(config(ssl_verifypeer = 0L))
      # To authenticate with Kerberos.
      auth <- authenticate(":","","gssnegotiate")
      # To ask the NameNode on which DataNode to write the file.
      response <- PUT(uriDest, auth)
      # To get the URL of the DataNode returned by HDFS.
      uriWrite <- response$url
    2. Push the file:

      # To upload the file with a "PUT" request.
      responseWrite <- PUT(uriWrite, auth, body = upload_file("tmp.csv"))