Read and Write Files From MongoDB With R

How to read and write files from MongoDB with R using the mongolite package.

  1. Install the mongolite package to interact with MongoDB.
    For more information, see

    Installation from source under Linux requires openssl and Cyrus SASL. Under Debian or Ubuntu, use libssl-dev and libsasl2-dev:

    if (!require(mongolite)) {
     # Install system dependencies
     system("sudo apt-get install -y libssl-dev libsasl2-dev")
  2. Connect to MongoDB by running the following lines of code:

    # ====== Connection to MongoDB ====== #
    # To build the connection URI from the above parameters.
    uri <- paste0("mongodb://", user, ":", password, "@", ip, ":", port, "/", authentificationDatabase)
    # To connect to the database.
    con <- mongo(collection = collection, db = database, url = uri)


    • user must be replaced with your username.

    • password must be replaced with your password.

    • ip must be replaced with your IP address.

    • port is 27017 by default.

    • authentificationDatabase must be replaced with the authentication database.

      The authentication database is sometimes different from the database where the collections are located.
    • collection can be a new collection to create.

    • database must be replaced with the database where the collections are located.

    If there are special characters in the username or password, see the conversion table.
  3. You can now:

    • Count the Number of Document in the Collection

    • Insert New Data in the Collection

    • Read Data From the Collection

    • Read Data From Any Valid MongoDB Query

    con$find('{"cyl" : 6, "mpg" : { "$gt" : 20}}')

    Where data must be replaced with the data to write to MongoDB.